Volunteer and Community Engagement Project
Goals of the Project:
Assess and increase the positive impact of volunteerism on the Island with a special focus on those volunteering who are over the age of 60.
Identify technology platforms that can enhance recruitment and management of volunteers.
Explore the concept of Time Banking that serves as an incentive to expand volunteerism.
Partnering with Vineyard Vision Fellowship
The Martha's Vineyard Vision Fellowship is a catalyst that promotes innovative initiatives that strengthen the social sustainability of the island. The Fellowship provides funding for two years to Healthy Aging MV for this project in order to expand the contributions and positive impact of volunteers over the age of 60 to our community.
Meet Karen Tewhey, Vineyard Vision Fellow and Community Engagement Project Coordinator
Project approach:
Phase 1: Needs assessment of current involvement of volunteers in the community
Click HERE to view the report on Phase 1 of this project
Phase 2: Research into technology platforms that facilitate recruitment of volunteers and the concept of a Volunteer Bank of donated hours.
Phase 3: Develop pilot project that uses technology or other assets to enhance volunteerism on the island.
Phase 4: Small scale launch of new progam(s)
Community Engagement in the News!
Click the link below to read an article written by Karen Tewhey, published in the Martha's Vineyard Times about volunteerism on Martha's Vineyard
Community Engagement Steering Committee Members:
Camp Jabberwocky
Edgartown Council on Aging
Elder Services of Cape and Islands
Harbor Homes of Martha's Vineyard
Island Grown Initiative
Martha's Vineyard Center for Living
Martha's Vineyard Community Services
Martha's VIneyard Hospice
Martha's Vineyard Hospital
Martha's Vineyard Non-Profit Collaborative
Oak Bluffs Council on Aging
Up-Island Council on Aging
Vineyard Village at Home