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Our Accomplishments

HAMV’s accomplishments in FY24 have included:


  • Progressing our Action Plan for the 6 major priorities, achieving numerous plan milestones. Strengthening partnerships with Island organizations, including the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, COAs, IEH, MVC4L, MVC and others to execute and evolve our plan.


  • Preparing for our organizational evolution to a 501(c)3 as of July 1, 2024 (FY2025). Identifying financial, legal, HR, insurance and IT resources necessary for the launch.



  • Opportunistically bringing the four Island Councils on Aging together to obtain $75,000 from ARPA funds for a new program to provide technical assistance to Older Adults; “Call the Tech Pro” which brings one-on-one assistance for cellphones, tablets and computers in Older Adults’ homes or at COAs. It also provides devices as appropriate. This complements the technical support provided by the libraries and COAs and addresses an unmet need. Between when the program began in Jan, 2024 and June 30, 2024, 135 home visits have occurred in addition to numerous group sessions at the COAs. In addition, working with Older Adults and coalition members to sign up Older Adults for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) for no cost internet. Working with MVH to provide Patient Gateway training sessions for Older Adults. educational programs to complement one-on-one technical assistance programs for Older Adults.                                                                                                               


  • The Home Safety Modification Program for 60+ homeowners (or adults with disabilities) continues, working with Martha’s Vineyard Builders Association and local contractors. The program is referral based (from COAs, MVH, MVC4L, Elder Services etc.) and includes conducting a home assessment for minor home safety renovations (i.e. grab bars, stair railings, improved lighting, pull-out shelves etc.), matching the participant with a willing contractor to conduct the renovations, and providing a post-renovation assessment of the project. Obtained grant funding in excess of $100,000 from MVH, MVBCF, Cape Cod 5 Bank, Rockland Trust, and private donations to fund this program. As of June, 2024, 135 Older Adults have participated in this program. Projected medical costs savings from falls reduction post modifications is in excess of $1.4M.


  • Continuing the 3rd year of the Aging Adult Transportation Coalition leading monthly meetings and smaller workgroups, consisting of over 15 service agencies including the VTA and Steamship Authority, to address the needs for alternative transportation options for Aging Adults, both on- and off-island. The coalition has 4 pilot programs for alternative transportation options for Aging Adults including:


  • GoGoGrandparents on-demand rides (on-island) 4,536 rides in FY 2024

  • MVC4L adult supportive day program (on-island) 2,940 rides in FY 2024

  • COA Shopping Shuttle transportation (on-island) 783 rides in FY 2024

  • Shuttle (including escorts) for islanders who are having cataract surgery (off-island) – 44 rides


 In FY2024, our programs provided over 8,000 rides in total.


  • Convening bi-monthly meetings with the Falls Prevention Coalition and executing island-wide efforts for Falls Prevention Month (Sept), developing a host of print and media assets on awareness, education, and empowerment available to all island service agencies. Sept activities included in-person educational sessions across the island on “Medication and Risks”, “Falls Prevention Trivia”, and “Pain-Free Movement and Balance Screening” as well as dissemination of printed materials. A new addition to our September activities are the weekly walks cosponsored with MV Trails to introduce Older Adults to the most accessible walking trails on the island. HAMV publishes an annual report describing impact on falls prevention reduction island-wide as a result of our efforts.


  • Continuing a new-to-the-island evidence based pilot program, Matter of Balance, in collaboration with the COAs which has been extremely well received in our community. Offering a minimum of two workshops per year, securing over $5,000 in funding to identify and train coaches (COA and MVH staff as well as volunteers). This program is specifically designed to reduce the fear of falling and improve activity levels among Aging Adults and addresses an existing service gap in supporting those who have fallen or fearful of doing so and are restricting their activities as a result. HAMV is the licensee of this program on the island.


  • Introducing a new initiative – “Beach within Reach” - HAMV, the Island Disability Coalition and the County Commissioner for Disabilities are working together to improve accessibility of our island’s beaches. Starting with a Beach Manager survey, it is part of a multi-perspective review of the state-of-our beaches to raise awareness of the current levels of beach accessibility, identify priorities for improving beach accessibility and collaborate with towns on the development of short and longer term action plans. In addition, we plan to provide a curated printed directory of information on beach accessibility for the general public.


  • Continuing to raise awareness and provide educational seminars for Advance Care Planning, strengthening our partnership with MVH, MV Hospice, and other health care providers.


  • Executing Project Happiness 3.0 providing gardening kits to the COAs in partnership with IGI for homebound Older Adults.


Other Activities


  • Advocating on behalf of other island agencies to raise awareness of Older Adult needs and to obtain funding and demonstrate legislative support for key initiatives.  


  • Providing subject-matter-expertise to community working groups and committees on Older Adult data to support long term planning (e.g. providing feedback to the Joint Transportation Committee for the regional transportation plan etc.)


  • Hosting the in-person Community Mobilization Summit in Nov, 2023 with almost 200 attendees, providing an overview of the next 10 years of Aging on Martha’s Vineyard: challenges and opportunities


  • Contributing member of numerous regional, statewide and national organizations/committees representing the Vineyard’s perspective on Aging Adult issues (e.g. Dukes County Health Council (DCHC), AARP Rural Labs, MARCH, MA Healthy Aging Collaborative, co-chair of Patient Family Advisory Council at MVH).


  • Supporting the development of the Green House model nursing home, working with MVH and Navigator Homes to bring this 10+ year journey to completion, resulting in a 60+ bed skilled nursing     home facility on-island that is available to residents at all income levels.


  • Applying and receiving a two-year Vineyard Vision Fellowship to address community engagement/volunteerism opportunities and challenges for Older Adults ($100k).

Fiscal Year 2024
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024


Another action packed year for Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard

  • The completion of a 5 year Community Plan to address the six key priorities with specific action steps, collaborating with community partners, and a timeline for action. Worked with MVC4L to include a dementia inclusive “lens” to our collective actions. 

  • Submission of the plan to the World Health Organization/AARP. We received a 5 year age-friendly designation again for all six towns as part of the MA Healthy Aging Collaborative. For the first time, we also obtained dementia-friendly designation as well. In addition to highlighting statewide Martha’s Vineyard commitment to Aging Adults, this designation creates opportunities for partnerships with regional and national organizations as well as access to additional funding sources.

  • Completed the 2nd full year of a pilot program for an island-wide Home Safety Modification Program for 65+ homeowners (or those with disabilities), working with Martha’s Vineyard Builders Association and local contractors. The  pilot program is referral based (from COAs, MVH, MVD4L, Elder Services etc.) and includes conducting a home assessment for minor home safety renovations (i.e. grab bars, stair railings, improved lighting, pull-out shelves etc.), matching the participant with a willing contractor to conduct the renovations, and providing a post-renovation assessment of the project. Obtained grant funding in excess of $50,000 from MVH and MVSBCF and private donations to fund this program. There have been 75 applicants with 62 projects completed as of June, 2023. Almost 70% of participants qualified to have 100% of the costs covered.

  • Continued the 2nd year of the Older Adult Transportation Coalition and led monthly meeting with the Aging Adult Transportation Coalition, consisting of over 15 service agencies including the VTA and Steamship Authority, to address the needs for alternative transportation options for Aging Adults, both on- and off-island. The coalition implemented 4 pilot programs for alternative transportation options for Aging Adults including: 

    • GoGoGrandparents on-demand rides (on-island)

    • MVC4L adult supportive day program (on-island)

    • COA Shopping Shuttle transportation (on-island)

    • Shuttle (including escorts) for islanders who are having cataract surgery (off-island).

In FY2023, over 4,000 rides were provided serving over 350 individuals. Over $80,000 in grants and donations were raised to support these programs in addition to utilizing existing island assets (e.g. VTA vans).


Received funding for a new role - an island-wide Mobility Manager - a resource to help Older Adults and service agencies identify and register for transportation options. 


•    Conducted the first in-person Aging Adult Transportation Summit in Sept, 2022 at the Martha’s Vineyard Film Center with over 100 attendees. The purpose of the summit was to raise awareness of Aging Adult transportation challenges, provide education on the new pilot transportation options and introduce the first curated printed directory which include all on- and off-island transportation options, cost and a contact phone number – the “go-to” information source for Aging Adults and their families. Over 3,000 of these directories have been distributed to Aging Adults so far.

•    Hosted bi-monthly meetings with the Falls Prevention Coalition and  oversaw island-wide efforts for Falls Prevention Month (Sept), developing a host of print and media assets on awareness, education, and empowerment available to all island service agencies. Sept activities included in-person educational sessions across the island on “Medication and Risks”, “Safety Tips for using a Cane or Walker”, “Everything you wanted (or didn’t want) to know about Fall Risks and Falls Prevention” and “Pain-Free Movement and Balance Screening” as well as dissemination of printed materials.

•    Introduced a new evidence based pilot program, Matter of Balance, in collaboration with MVH and the COAs. Secured over $5,000 in funding to identify and train coaches (COA and MVH staff as well as volunteers) and launched 2 8 week sessions at the Edgartown Council on Aging and the Tisbury Council on Aging. This program is specifically designed to reduce the fear of falling and improve activity levels among Aging Adults and addresses an existing service gap in supporting those who have fallen and are restricting their activities as a result.

•    Designed and introduced a “proof-of-concept” Home Sharing program to pair Aging Adults who live alone (the host) with an employed Islander (the guest) who needs housing. Modelled after nationwide programs, we are in the early stages of getting this program off the ground. Partnering with MV Mediation to provide housing facilitation expertise to insure a quality “match” between participants.

•    Partnered with the Howes House Building Committee, conducted 6 focus groups with Aging Adults and service agencies to ensure that Aging Adult perspectives are included in renovation considerations as well as surfacing other opportunities to broaden service utilization.

•    Continued to educate and provide educational seminars for Advance Care Planning, strengthening our partnership with MVH and other health care providers, raising the percentage of Aging Adults with PCPs at MVH who have completed Health Care Proxies to 34%. 75% of those who attended educational seminars led by HAMV went on to complete a Health Care proxy.

•    Hosted the Rural Scholars (U Mass Chan medical and nursing students) to conduct research on the island and to socialize these findings across the island, informing prioritization and service development around the topic of in-home services. 

•    Advocated on behalf of other island agencies to raise awareness of Aging Adult needs and to obtain funding and demonstrate legislative support for key initiatives. 

•    Contributing member of numerous regional, statewide and national organizations/committees representing the Vineyard’s perspective on Aging Adult issues (e.g. Dukes County Health Council (DCHC), AARP Rural Labs, MARCH, MA Healthy Aging Collaborative, co-chair of Patient Family Advisory Council at MVH).

•    Advocated on behalf of other island agencies to raise awareness of Aging Adult needs and to obtain funding and demonstrate legislative support for key initiatives.

•    Supported the development of the Green House model nursing home, working with MVH and Navigator Homes to bring this 10+ year journey to completion, resulting in a 70+ bed skilled nursing home facility on-island that is available to residents at all income.

Fiscal Year 2023
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

HAMV accomplished quite a bit in FY2022!

  • We completed our island-wide Older Adult survey (2,500 respondents) and the creation of island-wide and town level analysis of findings. These results were shared with over 20+ stakeholder audiences of service agencies, town governments, etc. Mailing of summary findings to 6,000+ Older Adult households.

  • Began the development of a 5 year community plan, informed by survey and other data sources working with the MA Healthy Aging Collaborative. Explored and committed to working with service agencies, led by C4L, to obtain dementia-friendly designation as well.

  • Continued and strengthened our island-wide Home Safety Modification Program. With grants from MVH and MVSBCF, we will continue to fund home renovations for 50+ pilot participants. The pilot program will continue through FY2023 with an objective to identify a long-term island sponsoring agency to scale and continue this program

  • Convened and led monthly meeting with the Older Adult Transportation Coalition, consisting of over 15 service agencies, to address the needs for alternative transportation options for Older Adults, both on- and off-island. Launched the GoGoGrandparent Pilot Program to address on-island needs. Exploring models and funding for off-island medical transportation.


  • Hosted bi-monthly meetings with the Falls Prevention Coalition and oversaw island-wide efforts for Falls Prevention Month (Sept), developing a host of print and media assets on awareness, education, and empowerment available to all island service agencies.

  • Advocated on behalf of other island agencies to raise awareness of Older Adult needs and to obtain funding and demonstrate legislative support for key initiatives.

  • Continued to educate and provide educational seminars for Advance Care Planning, strengthening our partnership with MVH and other health care providers, raising the percentage of Older Adults who have completed Health Care Proxies by over 3% in the last 6 months. 75% of those who attended educational seminars led by HAMV went on to complete a Health Care proxy.

  • Collaborated with the COAs, Food Equity Network, Food Pantry, IGI, and churches to assure isolated Older Adults had access to food and medication during the pandemic.

  • Submitted numerous proposals for funding to support these initiatives to Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, Tufts Foundation, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, Farm Neck Foundation, ARPA funding (via the county) and Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation.

  • Participated in “Project Happiness 2.0” in partnership with IGI to bring gardening projects to isolated Older Adults via the COAs.


  • Published our newsletter to over 1,400 subscribers raising awareness of island programs serving Older Adults, sharing information on aging research and trends, and providing information on local resources.

  • Supported the development of the Green House model nursing home, working with MVH and Navigator Homes to bring this 10 year journey to completion, resulting in a 70 bed skilled nursinghome facility on-island that is available to residents at all income levels.

Fiscal Year 2022
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Fiscal Year 2021 was a great year for HAMV.

  • We launched a pilot project for an island-wide Home Safety Modification Program working with Martha’s Vineyard Builders Association and a group of volunteers. So far we have served 65+ homeowners!! For more information on the program, click here.

  • Completed a collaboration with Boston University, to conduct an Island-wide Older Adult Survey (60+ full-time and seasonal residents) which provided a comprehensive understanding of short and longer-term needs, how Older Adults feel about aging on the island, and how they wish to contribute. To learn more about the contents of the survey, click here.

  • Cosponsored Advance Care Planning (ACP) workshops for all island residents (not just those 65+). Click here to learn more!

  • Collaborated with the COAs, Food Equity Network, Food Pantry, IGI, and churches to assure isolated seniors have food and medication during the pandemic.

  • Provided island-wide Falls Prevention education. Click here for more information!

  • Participated in “Project Happiness” in partnership with IGI to bring gardening projects to isolated Older Adults.

  • Supported the development of the Green House model nursing home, working with MVH and Navigator Homes to bring this 9 year journey to completion, resulting in a 70 bed skilled nursing home facility on-island that is available to residents at all income levels. Click here to go to the Navigator homes website!

Fiscal Year 2021
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021

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